08 December 2019

Hi, my name is Adulai Bary
NEF Ambassador – Guinee Bissau
Adulai Bary graduated in computer method applied to business management (Equivalent of the current LMD master) with more than 6 years’ experience in Computer Engineering and Business Intelligence for Telecom. He speaks several languages including Portuguese, French, English, Creole (from Bissau) and Fula. Bary is a seasoned entrepreneur and founder of 2 startups, namely; InnovaLab founded in 2016. InnovaLab is the pioneer innovation accelerator located in Bissau where they focus on ecosystem development initiates, mentoring & startup incubation, co-working space, etc. In just 3 years since its launch, under Adulai’s leadership, InnovaLab have gained significant traction and are able to reached +5,000 individuals with training and radio program, 15 startups created, 100+ Jobs Created and 150+ events/workshop organised. The second startup is BIGTechnologies Sarl, founded in 2014. It provides software development, and is the first supplier of hardware and professional system, representing tech giants like Microsoft, HP & LEGRAND, to name but a few. In 2017 Adulai decided to leave his job to do
fulltime entrepreneurship, with BIGTechnologies, he employs more than 20 young people and supporting the government and partner on the digital transformation of his country.
NEF Ambassadors are the NEF’s young science and technology champions, one from each African country. By the end of 2017, on behalf of the entire NEF organization and their core of eminent scientists from around the world, Adulai Bary from InnovaLab have been selected as a 2017-19 Next Einstein Forum Ambassador for Guinea-Bissau among over 300 applications. The NEF Ambassadors are a key part of the growing NEF movement, showcasing global
contribution and potential of scientists from Africa.
Guinea-Bissau in western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Guinea and Senegal, has experienced considerable political and military upheaval. Guinea-Bissau is highly dependent on subsistence agriculture, cashew nut exports, and foreign assistance. The legal economy is based on cashews and fishing. Guinea-Bissau has substantial potential for the development of mineral resources, including phosphates, bauxite, and mineral sands. Offshore oil and gas exploration has begun. The country’s climate and soil make it feasible to grow a wide range of cash crops, fruit, vegetables, and tubers; however, cashews generate more than 80% of export receipts and are the main source of income for many rural communities.
Guinea Bissau is one of the few countries to have succeeded in establishing the 4th generation of mobile telecommunications technology. In Bissau, digital and internet penetration reached a regional high of 11% in 2016. In July 2017, the Government of Guinea Bissau announced that it signed an agreement with the World Bank, Orange and MTN to connect Guinea Bissau to the Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) submarine cable. Within 18 months (2020), the new submarine fiber optic cable is expected to increase the capacity of the network and to improve the exchange of communications happening through broadband Internet. Guinea-Bissau’s Strategic Plan 2025 (“Terra Ranka”) states that by 2025 Guinea-Bissau will have a modern telecommunications infrastructure and its citizens will benefit from the progress of the digital economy and science.